Watch Wonder Bloom, LLC
empowering overwhelmed families to create mindful and meaningful moments together
let's play, learn, and #watchwonderbloom!
Whether you are a parent or caregiver looking for ways to make your days together with kiddos more calm, meaningful, and joyful or an educator faced with ongoing changes in teaching, Watch Wonder Bloom, LLC has resources for you! Sign up for family life coaching online, find out more about virtual family yoga classes, and get on my mailing list to stay up to date on all things play, learning, etc! Head over to the Blog tab to find FREE learning resources to use at home or in your (virtual) classroom. We are excited to #watchwonderbloom right alongside you as you work, play, and teach with the kiddos in your life!
How can I help you watch wonder bloom?

Educational Resources
Head to the blog to find calendars with daily activity ideas, tips for boosting literacy, guides for planning projects and more! These are free. For the 2020-2021 school year, I will be facilitating a mixed-age, play and problem-based virtual classroom for $300/semester! Check out The Bloom Classroom!